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Pneumatic swing doors controller assembly

Product classification: The bus door pump system
    Pneumatic swing doors controller assembly Taken the electronic lock type 110 U two five-way solenoid valve (DC12V, 24 v) U can be equipped with remote control and automatic step according to the users requirements
    Hotline: 0517-89362888

      Pneumatic swing doors controller assembly

      Taken the electronic lock type 110
      U two five-way solenoid valve (DC12V, 24 v)
      U can be equipped with remote control and automatic step according to the user's requirements

      *required Purchase:Pneumatic swing doors controller assembly
      * Contacts: Please fill in your real name
      * Tel: Please fill in your contact number
      * Purchasing intention description:
      Please fill inpurchaseThe quantity and description of the products are convenient for us to make a unified stock.
      Tel: 0517-89362888




      Add:Daxing Industrial Park, Jiangsu, Jinhu